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Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Further images from the London-to-Brighton Veteran Car Run

I watched the start of this event, which occurred at 7.04 am (sunrise) in Hyde Park. After a while I caught the tube down to Westminster Bridge and spent some time there. Next, I took the tube to London Bridge, where I caught the 8.41 train to Hassocks - supposedly a journey of about an hour-and-a-half, except that in fact a replacement bus service was operating from Haywards Heath to Hassocks. From Hassocks station I walked about three miles south, taking pictures along the way. Despite my somewhat haphazard journey, going back through my photos today I realised that I had seen some of the same cars in Hassocks that I had seen back in London!

Penny Farthing - I don't think this was an official entrant (not being motorised), despite the laminated badge he's wearing. But it's a lovely image!

Barre, 1903 - Swing-seat tonneau.

Cottereau, 1903 - Tonneau body.

De Dion Bouton, 1901 - Forecar.

De Dion Bouton, 1902 - Tonneau body.

Mobile (steam), 1900 - spindle-seat runabout.

Toledo (steam), 1901 - runabout.

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